Monday 11 February 2019

TV DRAMA: Riverdale
Season 1
Episode 1

Riverdale starts with a voice-over explaining the setting and the main conflict of this season. Jason and Cheryl Blossom take a boat ride down sweet-water river and Jason supposedly drowns, according to Cheryl. (2 :00) The narrator then goes to explain the characters aside from Cheryl Blossom (who has already been mention) The narrator starts with veronica Lodge who is the daughter of the mafia king, Hiram Lodge. The scene changes to Betty Cooper and Kevin Keller talking and preparing for a date with Archie Andrews. Betty and Archie create the first glimpse of romance in the story. The pair go to a diner and we learn more about Archie. Veronica then enters and Archie takes an interest in her. After this encounter the scene changes to Archie's dad asking Archie about working with him. This creates pressure on Archie and we see that this is the first time the show has incorporated teenage problems. To emphasize this  point Betty's Mom encourages/lectures her on staying focused this year and even gives her pills to take.

The three main characters go to school and continue in normal teenage life. Right before the title of the show, we see Archie and a teacher staring at each other, on top of this a montage/flashback starts playing of what happened between the two characters over the summer break. This creates a new sub-conflict between the two characters. Betty and Veronica try-out for the cheer leading squad and Cheryl uses this to bully Betty and we see a almost violet side of Betty, however nothing physical occurs. Archie is at football practice and his coach gives him the responsibility of varsity. This outlines more teenage stress throughout the story. Betty and Veronica ask Archie to the dance. This shows more romance between the love triangle. Betty has a fight with her Mom about going to the dance and being a cheer-leader. Archie takes Veronica and Betty to the dance and a romantic conflict unfolds between Betty and Archie. Betty confesses her love for Archie and he doesn't feel the same why. This conflict between these two characters (Betty and Archie) is strengthened when Archie and Veronica have a romantic moment during an after party, after the school dance. Betty flees the scene back to her house, where Archie then finds her. Betty and Archie then have a very heartbreaking moment together. It is here we see the first sad romantic moment of the story and we are already exposed to the romantic side of this show. After Archie and Betty's sad moment the scene changes to Kevin and Moose about to swim in sweet-water river. However they discover Jason Blossom's body with a bullet shot in his head. The episode then finishes here on a cliffhanger.

40% Social Stresses - Bullying etc
40% Story-line - Murder etc
20% Teenage Life - Driving etc


No, I don't think this episode is relatable to my life mainly due to the size of the problem. Someone has been shot and no one knows who did it. This is not likely to happen in my area or town. Another reason why this is not relatable is due to how big the school is and the environment these characters are put in. This episode was entertaining, but not relatable to my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Addison

    - Great in-depth plot synopsis. You laid out the content of the episode in detail and showed understanding of the narrative

    - I really needed to see the content analysis expanded on a bit. The 'etc' needs to say what each category of theme is dealt with and with more detail.

    - The paragraph on whether the film is relatable really needs more depth, analysis and showing more insight into decoding the teenage drama. You have made it clear that on 2 levels, this episode doesn't really relate to you (murder and a big school) but what about all the other aspects to the show? You can even take these questions further and talk about whether they are relatable at all. Although I did ask for a paragraph, this needs to be more fleshed out to score better. You mention the examples of the school being big and the environment the characters are put in... what does this mean? How is your life different? Remember, don't assume the markers know anything about you. State the obvious. Also remember the second part of questions 4 which was 'to what extent'. That means we don't just want a sentence on what was different but how different. Is this episode relevant to any teenagers? Wider context analysis is also great to touch on.

    SCORE: 12/25


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