Wednesday 6 March 2019

Thriller genres:

  1. Action Thrillers
  2. Conspiracy Thrillers
  3. Crime Thrillers
  4. Disaster Thrillers
  5. Mystery Thrillers
  6. Romantic Thrillers
  7. Techno/sci-fi Thrillers 
1. Action Thrillers -

                 Action Thrillers are very similar to a standard thriller but they add in, violence, fighting and exaggerated action. The themes involved in this sub genre include fighting, explosions, guns and overall violence. Techniques used in an action thriller may included chase scenes in order to add suspense (thriller) and include possible explosions within the chase scene (action). Another technique used in an action thriller would be quick cuts to show lots of information about the setting and plot in a short amount of time. This would work well because it would also build suspense and create a stronger storyline. A common method to achieve the look of an action thriller would be lots of wide shots to establish the setting, and then move closer on your main character to show the audience who the main character is. A dark setting would also be a good method for an action thriller because it would give off a thriller feel. But the director could also incorporate action themes to tie the two together. 

Examples of a Action Thrillers:
  1. Die Hard - 
  2. Taken - 
  3. Air Force One - 
  4. Derailed - 

2. Conspiracy Thriller - 

Conspiracy Thrillers are movies that play on the "what if?" question. They have always reflected the anxieties of the era when the movie is being made. Conspiracy Thrillers often use the tool of paranoia to make the audience feel suspense but also wonder about common everyday living/ about the events taking place around them. A good example for this would be the death of JFK, and the movie that followed it (which is also called JFK) The movie had a big cultural impact on the assassination of JFK and it question if the government was really behind it. Conspiracy Thrillers have always done this and it has been received well within the audience. The themes within a Conspiracy Thriller may include a character finding out information about rumors, lies, propaganda and counter-propaganda in order to build upon what the core conspiracy idea really is.

Examples of a Conspiracy Thriller -
  1. The X-Files
  2. JFK
  3. They Live
  4. The Parallax View
  5. All the President's Men
3. Crime Thrillers - 

A Crime Thriller mixes a classic crime movie that has a criminal mastermind and puts it with an exciting yet chilling background with the thriller theme coming through. Usually the plot focuses and revolves around a serial killer, murderer, a robber or a man-hunt. Crime-Thrillers use both action and psychological aspects to build tension and suspense. Some themes of a crime thriller may include police procedural, detectives, noir , mystery, murder, and other dark elements.  

Examples for a Crime Thriller - 
  1.  Shutter Island
  2. The Dark Knight Rises 
  3. Don't Breathe 
  4. The Silence of the Lambs
  5. Zodiac 

4. Disaster Thrillers - 

Disaster Thrillers are movies that show natural disasters that could happen and therefore make it fit into the thriller genre. Disaster Thrillers can include volcanic eruptions, tornado's, tsunami's, earthquakes, and large storms. A Disaster Thriller can also used the idea of world elimination to increase the amount of suspense within the movie. Themes within a Disaster Thriller can include survival, "what if?" questions, some may have lots of family involvement, they could include events that take place after a massive natural disaster. Another theme may include a sense of sacrifice when a main character might give of himself or herself to save the rest of the characters. Techniques used in a Disaster Thriller may include large scale special effects, well know cast that is faced with a disaster crisis, an outlining hero or heroine, a montage of different characters perspective of the natural crisis e.g The Day After Tomorrow.  A Disaster Thriller would have lots of EWS shots to show the surrounding area and what is happening to it. The lighting within a Disaster Thriller may include lots of dark/blue colour schemes, to show that the movie has lots of suffering and sadness. The Audio of  a Disaster Thriller could be very quiet and then all of a sudden be very loud to almost create a jump scare but just with audio.  This would emphasise the amount of danger that is actually happening in the movie and tell the audience that this is no joke. The Mise En Scene within a Disaster Thriller could be very rundown and destroyed due to the effects of the natural disaster, this could be shown with broken houses, roads, and other buildings. 

Examples of Disaster Thrillers - 
  1. The Day After Tomorrow 
  2. Geostorm 
  3. San Andreas 
  4. The impossible
  5. The Wave 

5. Mystery Thrillers 

A Mystery Thriller is a genre of film that revolves around the solution of a problem or crime and making it seem very suspenseful. The plot of a Mystery thriller often centers on the deductive ability, prowess, confidence, or diligence of the detective as they attempt to unravel the crime or situation by piecing together clues and circumstances, seeking evidence, interrogating witnesses, and tracking down a criminal. Suspense is often maintained as an important plot element. This can be done through the use of the soundtrack, camera angles, heavy shadows, and surprising plot twists. This Sub genre has adapted from early mystery tales, fictional or literary detective stories, to classic private detective films. A very classic mystery thriller may involve a crime or murder by which policemen and private detectives have to solve. The central character of the movie usually explores the unsolved crime, unmasked the person who did it, and puts an to the conflict.

Examples of Mystery Thrillers - 

  1. Searching
  2. Gone Girl
  3. Buried
  4. Red Sparrow
  5. A Simple Favor 

Romantic Thrillers - 

A Romantic Thriller shows a love story between the two main characters who fall in love, but a twisted theme is put on the story line to make it fit into the thriller genre. An example of this would be if the two main characters fell in love, but one character was too obsessed with the other. This would turn it into a romantic thriller due to the theme of obsession. A technique that a romantic movie could use would be bright lighting, however a romantic thriller would have a darker color but not a blue scheme. The movie would have a dark tone, almost sinister, but still light hearted due to it being a romantic. 

Examples of a Romantic Thriller -  
  1. Safe Haven
  2. The Mountain Between Us
  3. Mr, & Mrs. Smith
  4. The Words
  5. Adrift 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Addison

    Overall Score: 15/25


    This is a much better effort at research, Addison. Well done.

    1. Action thrillers - needed some specific examples, even just one, relating to the pictures and movie examples you listed below. Part of your research is examples to illustrate your understanding of techniques/ themes / conventions.

    2. conspiracy thriller - good use of example to demonstrate your point

    3. crime thriller - 'Crime thrillers use both action and psychological aspects to build tension'. In what ways? Where are your examples for what you mean by this? What aspects do they use? Remember, don't assume your marker knows anything. Also missing examples linking to points made in your paragraph relating to movies below.

    4. Disaster thriller - a better crafted paragraph explaining the aspects of this sub-genre. and example included.

    5. Mystery thriller - you talk about suspense being built with sound and camera angles, what kind of sound and camera techniques are used? Again you throw out a loaded statement that needs some explaining and examples attached to it.

    6. Romantic Thriller - You cover the overall theme and description sufficiently but again, this paragraph needs a bit more detail and examples.


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