Sunday 7 April 2019

Representation Essay for Down Town Abby 

1. What groups are being represented to us?

The groups in that are being represented to us in this extract are those that serve in a large mansion that needs maintenance of not only the house itself but the those of a higher class that live in the house. The different characters that maintain the mansion include multiple butlers, cleaners, chefs, groundskeepers, and maids. All of these different roles have a part to play in making the mansion run smoothly and that those who own the mansion enjoy living there. It is easy to point out those who are of different class than the rest. Those who are your average maid and butler do not normally have a say in what they are doing, they just get told what to do and they have no input (3:33) However there are some classes in the working groups that do more and manage more than the rest. These people normally have control over a certain group such as the maids or butlers, a good example of this is at the time code I mention previously (3:33) There are also other groups such as the boy in the bicycle that doesn't appear much but plays a big role in setting up the episode (due to bringing in the newpaper) The other roles that are in this extract include the ones of a higher class. We do not see many of them however we do know that they are there due to the bells that indicate that they are awake and would like to be served. This is a real good way of comparing the upper class to the lower class. 

2. Are the messages challenging or conforming to what the media usually portrays in relation to this specific group? 

The messages in this extract that challenge what the media is saying on a day to day basis may be the fact of the lower class doing all the work and the upper class not doing anything. People could argue that this is unfair labour, however the upper class is paying for the lower class to do certain jobs. The media could also attack this fact by saying that the pay is not adequate for what those in the lower class are actually doing. However modern day media can not really comment on how the lower class is being treated or paid mainly because this is a completely different time period and many things have changed since then. By watching this I did not see anything wrong with what the lower class was doing, they are getting paid for work just like the upper class does. The media has definitely changed the way we think because most people would say what the lower class was doing was inhuman and no one should be treated like this. However like I said before it is just people doing work and getting paid.

3. How are the 4 technical elements used to send a message about the characters and who they represent in society?  

The four technical elements include Camera work, Audio, Editing and Mis En Scene. These four elements can make or break good film. The camera work in this extract was done very well because it shows where the scene is set, clearly shows what the characters are doing, and is pleasing to the eye. The first shot we get is of a van passing through a street. This shot shows that something is coming and the audience may not know what it is. A few shots pass and we get our first EWS of the mansion (Establishing wide shot) This shot shows where the next few scenes are going to be and where it is set. After an EWS we can cut straight into what the characters are doing. This includes showing them waking up, cleaning, preparing food, tidying up rooms etc. A clever way in which the show put all of these things I listed above was by having a continuous shot of one of the maids backs and have the actor walk around doing their job. This was a clever way of showing lots about the characters life and other characters lives. It showed them in their every morning routine (which doesn't look very pleasing) The audio in this extract plays a massive role in give the viewer an insight to what the characters life is like. In the scenes of the characters cleaning and getting ready for the morning there is a lot of audio of the workers rushing around. A few examples of this is at 2:27. The editing in this extract does not include lots of quick cuts mainly because no tension or suspense needs to be built. There are a lot of long shots that do not have many cuts in them and many shots that do. There is a mix of shot variation in this extract there is a bit of everything in it. The mis en scene of this extract is done very well and shows the setting off. Big rooms with lots of furniture and plants are common, this is because the producers want to sell the idea of the audience being in a huge mansion with lots of space. This affects the maids and butlers because they have to walk further and therefore this makes them more tired. Through these 4 technical elements we can see that the maid and butlers represent the lower class and what they had to do and still have to do in order to make a living. All of these elements help the audience try to relate to what the characters are experiencing. From the camera work showing the maids working, the audio so the audience can listen the sounds of cleaning, the editing to show different areas of work, and the environment that the workers have to work in (mis en scene) 

4. How do the 4 technical elements work together to create meaning? 

The 4 technical elements create meaning in this extract because they show what the characters have to go through on a day to day basis. The camera work in the scenes showing the maids work is much different to the camera work showing the upper class waking up. The camera often shows the maids working hard and fast and then shows the upper class doing things slowly and without much effort. The audio when the maids are being shown is very up beat and quickly paced however when the upper class is show the audio is much quieter and slower paced. This shows a contrast between the two classes and helps the audience understand the differences. The editing when showing the workers may have very fast cuts and little screen time to different actors however the upper class shows longer shots and gives more time to the actors playing the upper class. The editing in this extract includes a comparison to the workers and upper class by showing what the two are doing a the same time. One is working hard away cleaning or cooking and the other is just rolling out of bed. The mis en scene is also a good way of comparing the two classes. There is one scene showing the bedroom of two maids, they are sharing one room and both their beds are single beds (small). The other shot shows the upper classes bedroom and we can see that there is more space, just one person in the room, and has a bigger bed. These points show meaning between the two classes through the 4 technical elements. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Addison

    Overall Score: 27/50

    (Terminology: 5)
    (Analysis & Explanation: 11/20)
    (Examples: 11/20)


    I feel like you are getting more in the groove of answering these representation questions. I would just encourage you to take a look at your own work before submitting and working out things like have you included enough terminology to get a good mark on that basis? If not, (you did a great job of explaining shot types but unfortunately that is the only technical area where terminology is really used), get out your glossary and start practising using terminology that demonstrates you have gained an understanding of film language.

    In looking at representation, you need to think broader than just one group being represented. You really want to be milking these essays for everything you can! There was obviously class and status represented in this clip, but what else? Gender could have been discussed, ethnicity could have been explored (accents)...

    I feel like you made some good, relevant observations from the technical areas used and also commented on how they worked together, however there was a lot more than could be said in terms of talking about lighting, colours, symbolism, dialogue, diegetic and non-diegetic sound, costumes, props, editing etc. There was so much to write about in this clip and although what you spoke about was relevant, it only really scratched the surface of what you need to be analysing and commenting on. You did get the 'feel' of the clip though and did well to communicate what meaning you noticed was created with some of the technical elements.


Final Edit Link: