Tuesday 7 May 2019



Our concept for this film was to be in the thriller genre and all of it would be filmed in one location. The idea was that a kidnapper would break into a house and try to kidnap a child who was asleep. However the little girls sister was also in the house because she was babysitting her. The older sister would try to stop the kidnapper and the film would end. The title would be "Home Invasion" or "The Babysitter." Our target audience is mainly aimed at young adults/adults. Our Plot Synopsis went like this:

EWS --> 

Over the shoulder shot of MC cleaning dishes --> 

Wide shot showing little girl heading to bed --> 

panning shot that changes the location to the little girls bedroom and have the MC walk in and sit on her bed --> 

Dialogue happens between these two characters and the MC says goodnight and exits -->

TV scene where the MC is watching TV and a dark figure walks past her through the window (music starts here)  -->

loud noise occurs and the MC gets up to see what it was -->

lights go out (power) --> 

MC gets Lighter to see --> 

MC walks slowly to check and see if the little girl/her sister is okay --> 

MC stops at the door which is now open (was closed earlier) MC spots a teddy on the floor and a flashlight (MC gave the teddy to the little girl when saying goodnight to her) --> 

MC shines the light on the little girls bed and see that she is not there anymore --> 

this triggers the flashbacks to occur and we see the MC pushing the little girl on a swing --> 

next flashback is of the MC and the little girl having a water fight together --> 

Scene changes to the MC rushing out of the house with a gun in hand --> 

Next shot shows the dark figure carrying the little girl over his shoulder while she is screaming for help, he puts her in a car --> 

the MC lines up a shot and takes it --> 

the dark figure falls down as he has been shot in the back --> 

shot showing the little girl banging of the car window as the MC runs to open the door --> 

The two reunite as the film ends.

Practicalities of Filming

1) How realistic is your idea?

Our idea is very realistic due to the location being filmed close together, having only three actors and not a complicated script/story board. With barely any dialogue the actors will have no trouble learning a few lines and acting them to one another. In regards to editing there is not much different to the PT1 assignment only that we have to include an after effect. This may be challenging at the start, but with some research it is easily attainable.   

2) Any Health and Safety Issues?

No there are no Health and Safety issues due to all the shots being manageable and not involving any risk or injury. No actor is going eating anything in this shoot so there is no need to worry about allergies or any food poisoning. 

3) How easy will it be to find actors & locations    

It will be very easy to find actors for this film due to 2 out of the three actors being related to a member of production. The third actor is found being a friend of one of the members of production. The location has already been sorted because we will be filming at one of the members of productions' house. No other shots will be filmed anywhere else.


  • knife
  • TV
  • Light
  • Power
  • Gun
  • Music
  • Chase Scene
  • Close ups
  • EWS
  • 180 Rule
  • Match-on-action
  • Contrast between happy and sad
  • Lit up house ---> dark house
  • Flashbacks
  • 3 gun shots (actually ended up being one)
  • Glass
  • Little girl in the car (played by Aria Ironside)
  • Main Character pressing on the glass car window (played by India Ironside)

Tasks/Roles for PT2:
  • Story Board - Addison
  • Script - Ella
  • Shot List - Gilmark
  • Location - Ella
  • Props - Gilmark
  • Talent - Ella
  • Filming Equipment - Addison
  • Film Schedules - Addison


  • Equipment Check - Ella
  • Audio Operator - Ella
  • Lighting - Addison
  • Camera Operator - Gilmark
  • Location Shot Set Up - Gilmark
  • Director - Addison

Our Treatment



Prepared by: AGE Productions = Addison Saxby, Gilmark Manyere and Ella Ironside

DATE: 30/3/2019

It is proposed that the film will be of 1 to 2 Minutes duration, and that it will be filmed at the following location: 93D Potter Road RD2 Albany Coatsville Auckland North Shore. The reason we have chosen to film at this location is that it is based in a rural area and it is also a very open house with lots of room to get the right shots. We wanted the rural location so we can give it more suspense being away from civilisation. 

This Film will include the following conventions of thriller films:
  • Knife - dangerous item and implies danger.
  • TV
  • Light - Low light will force the audience into not knowing whats there and this will build suspense.
  • Power - Power going out can give the effect of a jump scare almost

  • Gun - shows danger and also sets the ending up well.

  • Music - suspenseful music builds the scene  

  • Chase Scene - The chase scene in this film will be very small and delayed but still there. 

  • Close ups - will force the audience into not knowing what is in the background and this can build suspense. 

  • EWS - sets the scene up well and also can give information to the audience about what is going on. 

  • ECU - Extreme close ups can build suspense because we can see the actors full facial expressions. E.g Scared, Happy.

  • 180 Rule - we will have to be very careful when filming this short that we used the 108 rule well and make sure that we get it all correct.

  • Match on Action

  • Contrast between happy and sad - this is a very big moment within our short film because it shows a boning moment between our Main Character and Little Girl. It also intensifies how serious this problem really is. 

  • Lit up house ---> Dark house

  • Flashback

  • 3 Gun shots/1 Gun shot

  • Glass

  • Little Girl inside the car

  • Main Character pressing on the glass

  • Bonding moment has to highlighted during the flashbacks.


Our Brainstorm:

  • Party
  • moody character
  • upbeat character
  • shot
  • kidnapping
  • knife symbol
  • no face on the kidnapper (not shown)
  • music
  • birthday
  • contrast between happy and sad (flashbacks)
  • Flashbacks
  • Main Character
  • Family setting



This is a good picture to show what our kidnapper should look like when we first see him through the window.
This is what the bullet hole in the car will look like if we choose to use it. This will have to be done in after effects.

This is what the glass will look like after the second shot if we choose to use it. This will be done in after effects.
-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4840RvMZbQ
The gun will look something like this and we will also use a push back motion to give the actor something to react to.
The knife that will be shown when our main character is cleaning dishes will look like this.
We want to have the kidnapper have a mask like this underneath the hoodie to hide his face.
This effect will be used to show a gun flare and will have to be put in using after effects.
We want this type of shot to be our opening shot of the house and also our EWS.

To show the first piece of thriller 

All of this planning is put into this link:



  1. Hi Addison


    Overall Score: 15/20

    - I think you had a really workable idea that conveyed the elements of a thriller quite clearly.
    - I found the strongest part of your clip was definitely the lights going out after hearing the smashing of glass, having the babysitter walk through a dark house with limited light and finding an empty bed was definitely an anxious few seconds for the audience!
    - Continuity needs attention and some clips don't match in action,subject position or lighting for example the couch scene where the babysitter is watching the news. It could have been more effective to just have one long take there opposed to three shots cut together but not matching in lighting (one has a definite blue light on her face and others don't) which takes away from the verisimilitude of the world you're creating.
    - I also feel like their were a few missed opportunities to really direct the audiences attention to danger. When the kidnapper is walking behind the babysitter, visible in the window, that is a fantastic shot but the effect could have been completely enhanced with music that alerts the audience to danger.
    - You showed after the lights went out that you really understand the relationship sound and music have with the moving image. Your music was well thought-out, built up at the right places and I liked the way you had it lined up with the flash-backs. I feel like the beginning of your film seems unfinished with having absolutely no music. I believe it could have been a great opportunity for music that hinted to the audience that danger was eminent. Music tells us what is happening, so even lighthearted or neutral music that shows us that it's a normal night of babysitting would have been good. I feel like it takes a few minutes for the audience to work out what the tone is whereas music does this straight away.
    - Your after effects are done well and are seamless. The gunshot was great and I really enjoyed the title at the end, especially after the gunshot that has just taken place in the world of the movie.
    - Continuity needs attention at then storyboard stage of your film to make sure that things like lighting are consistent and also things like your main character walking through the house with a lighter and then entering the room and it becomes a flashlight.
    - Editing was effective and with a little more care and time I believe you could have achieved a more seamless editing feel that added to continuity. But all in all it was a great effort and successfully achieved the goal of creating suspense in the viewer.


    Overall Score: 12/20

    - Your planning includes all the elements it needed to have, it would have been good for you to go into a little bit more detail on the process for your decisions, what you thought about doing and what you chose to do in the end. Providing a rationale for the bullet-point conventions you listed would have lifted your score in this section. It is important that you can demonstrate 'why' you have chosen to add those elements in, show us where in other movies you've seen it done that way, show us what music you plan to use and what effect you want to achieve. With the costume mood board it would have also been great to hear why you 'liked' or thought certain looks were 'good'. What happens in an audience when a villain has concealed identity? What other movies has this happened in that you've seen? What effect does this have on your storyline an the tension levels as someone watches this?


Final Edit Link: