Sunday 12 May 2019

Concept for Foundation Portfolio


"The Everyday Assassin"


The concept for our Foundation Portfolio (FP) is consisted of a man who goes through a mid life crisis over a period of two years. In one scene at the beginning of this opening sequence we will show this man in a happy life with everything in order. Then to seg way into the middle of the film we will use the sound of an alarm going off and cut into what the mans life is like two years into the future (which is actually the present) The mans life will have changed dramatically and we can see this through the mise en scene and the lighting. We will have props to show a messy house and effects to create a darker scene. The end of the opening scene will show the man receiving a file at his front door and opening it. Within the file there will be a photo and a description about who the man has to kill. However to add a twist the person the man has to kill is actually his brother. The man will then phone the person who dropped off the file at his house and they have an argument. While he is having this argument we see the brother through a window walking towards the house. The last shot the we see will be the door handle shaking as if it is about to open.  

The Target audience that we wish to aim at is going to be the young adults group and the adults group. The age group will be anywhere from 13+.

  • Quick cut shots
  • Canted Angle
  • Rewind
  • Two Perspectives
  • Guns + Death
  • Contrast
  • Misleading items
  • Perspective shots
  • Extreme close ups
  • Slow camera movement
  • Inanimate object speaking
  • Poison
  • Knife
  • Alcohol 
  • After Effects
  • Text shown on screen
Plot Synopsis:

Wide shot showing MC in bed --> 

Same WS but have MC get up out of bed --> 

Following shot showing MC walk down a hallway and into a kitchen -----> 

Lots of quick short cuts showing the MC making breakfast (pouring coffee, buttering toast etc) --> 

Shot showing MC texting his brother about the road trip --> 

Text appears on screen using after effects --> 

Alarm sound starts to go off and this seg ways into the next scene of the opening sequence --> 

Close up shot of the MC waking up and the alarm still going --> 

Wide shot showing MC smacking the alarm off --> 

Canted angle following the MC as he rises out of bed --> 

Wide shot showing the MC walk through lots of mess and towards the camera --> 

Low shot showing the MC feet walking down the hallway --> 

Wide shot showing the MC walking into the kitchen --> 

Close up shot of the MC pouring a cup of Alcohol and buttering a piece of burnt stale bread --> 

MC receives a text message on his phone and checks it while standing in the kitchen (maybe with glass of alcohol still in his hand) wide shot --> 

close up of the MC face while he is reading the text -->

text appears on the screen using after effects --> 

 MC follows the instructions and goes to the door to receive a file (this was mention in the text) -->

 MC opens file possibly an over the shoulder shot -->

 MC immediately flips out and starts to call a number (wide shot) --> 

Person on the other line answers saying "hello" --> 

MC then starts to say that he will not kill the person in the file (this can be a wide shot) --> 

As the MC is walking around talking on the phone he stops in the kitchen with his back towards the window --> 

A man appears outside and we see him through the window (pull focus) --> 

Last shot a close up of the door handle moving as if the door is about to open.

Character Synopsis:

Our Character has gone through a massive change in the past two years. His life has changed from being an orderly happy life, to a messy and dull life. The happy life in this film is shown almost as a dream because the happy life ends when an alarm clock goes off. This triggers the Main character to wake up and we see him in a messy room two years later. It is like the alarm clock pulled him back into the present and away from what his life was like two years earlier. Our character in the dull life in definitely an alcoholic as we can see empty bottles all around. We also find out the our character is into some dangerous things as there are also weapons such as guns, knifes and poisons dotted around the house. This shows us how far down our characters life has gone and shows the audience more about who he is. Our character also has a strong relationship with his brother who we later find out is someone he has to kill because his brother is in a file he receives. In that file is someone he always has to kill. This time it's his brother.  

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