Sunday 12 May 2019

Script for Foundation Portfolio  

Happy Life

Wide shot showing our MC asleep in bed
MC gets up and walks to his wardrobe
Small sequence showing the MC getting ready for the day
This includes washing his face, doing his hair, and getting changed
MC then walks through a hallway and heads into the kitchen.
MC then starts to make breakfast
This includes toast, coffee, milk, making his lunch etc
MC picks up newspaper on the kitchen counter top
Wide shot showing MC sitting down and starting to read
An alarm clock goes off and the MC is confused

Jump to Dull Life

Quick cut to MC just waking up in bed looking very tired
MC smacks the alarm angrily 
Canted angle that moves with the MC as he gets up out of bed.
MC walks into kitchen without getting ready.
MC starts to make breakfast but it actually turns out to be alcohol and burnt toast
Close up showing MC biting into burnt toast and taking a sip of alcohol.
Text Message rings on the MCs phone
MC picks up the phone and checks it
(use After Effects)
MC looks at the text in a normal facial expression
Text reads 
"File at door. Kill who is inside. $100,000"


Alexander :
"Just another normal day"

MC walks to front door and opens it
Bends down to get the file
Opens the file on the kitchen counter top that has mess all over it and also a gun placed within the mess
MC rips open the file and checks the description
MC shakes the file and a photo drops
MC picks up the photo and immediately looks shocked
MC quickly pick up his phone and calls a number
MC walks around the house  purposefully and angrily 

A voice answers 

"Is there a problem with the file?"

(angrily saying)

"Yes there's a problem with the file that's my brother!"

"So? What's the big deal?"

"The big deal?! The big De- That's my brother in that file! There's no way I am doing this!"

"You have to do this, remember what happened last time you said no? We took your family.

"Don't you bring my family into this! You said they would be okay! You said-

"They are gone now. Because you said no. The next person in line is you."


"I don't understand, what do you mean I'm next in line"

As this conversation is going on we see a person, through a window, dressed in dark clothes walk up to the house. He has a gun in his hand.

"We have sent your brother the same file... but with your photo inside. You either kill or be killed."

"My Brother would never do that!"

"Then why did he agree to it?"

Phone hangs up

Camera quickly pans to the door handle shaking and opening

End Scene


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