Tuesday 28 May 2019

In this representation essay I will be talking about the different terminology, the 4 technical elements and examples that make up a film, TV show or piece of media.  I will be focusing on a segment of the Medical Drama TV show “Greys Anatomy.” In this segment there are uses of different gender roles and I will be talking about what they do towards the representation of this TV show and how they use stereotypes in order to create a realistic reality within this cinematic universe. I will also be talking about how in this piece of video their are different sectors of society and how the characters portray these different sectors. 

In the first opening scene we see a pan from the left to right. In this pan we see a women walking through a door with a man following behind her. The women walks through without a problem, but when the man tries to walk through he is stopped by another character who tells him he can't walk through those doors. The confusion to this gesture is strengthen when another women walks past the man and through the doors. He questions this and it is simply brushed off by the character guarding the doors. The scene then cuts to show a crowed hallway filled with women walking around urgently. A little bit of dialogue is said between three characters that helps the audience to understand what is going on. The next shot is a low angle showing the cast line up along the hallway walls. The audio here is distorted and slowed down, this helps the audience see that this is going to be an intense moment and it grabs their attention. The is a tracking shot that moves backwards showing the entire cast line up along the hallway walls and they all spin around in the same direction. The next shot cuts to a close up showing a nurses face and asking the patient in the hospital bed, "Are you ready?" The shot that follows shows this patient looking very scared and afraid about what is about to happen and starts to look around. This is where the music starts. The next shot shows what the patient is looking at and we see that all of the nurses have lined up along the walls of the hallway to show respect to the patient. The patient replies to the nurses question before with a quiet "yes" The music continues as the hospital bed is pushed down the hallway and into a lift. An important piece of imagery is shown here when the nurse is holding the patients hand. This gives the audience a happy feeling because they now know that the patient is in the right hands and will be looked after. The nurses then take the patient up the lift and through a part of the hospital to the surgery room where they then prepare for surgery. However while they are still preparing for surgery the nurse that was holding the patients hand, is still holing her hand and says to the patient "I'm staying right here" This furthers the point that all of these nurses really care about this patient and they all make sure that she is feeling safe. The scene ends with the music still playing and the doctors preparing for surgery. 

Camera: The camera angle shown at 0:45 shows us as the audience that this character has authority and that she knows what she is doing. The camera shot that follows is looking down upon the patient and gives a sense of fear that is shown through the acting of the patient. From 1:12 to 1:55 the three camera shots that are shown are between, the patient (high angle, waist shot) the nurses (eye level, waist shot) and the supporting characters lined up along the wall (some wide, some close ups and lots of tracking) These three shots show us as the audience what the patient is experiencing and how the nurses pushing the bed along and the supporting others are all there for the patient. At the 2:00 mark one of the nurses looks dead straight into the camera. Many people would say this is a terrible thing to do when acting because stereotypically it breaks the "4th wall." However I know that this shot is in fact trying to portray what the patient is thinking and seeing through a POV shot and that the nurse looking into the camera is just her looking to the patient to try and comfort her. At 2:03 we have a wide shot showing the elevator doors closing and the characters lined up along the wall looking in. The patients face is in the bottom of the frame and is out of focus. As the elevator doors shut we see, as the audience, that this is symbolizing the patient being cut off from the supporting characters and losing their support. The camera then moves down to show more of the patient and pulls focus to her face. This adds to the theme of the support being cut off away from her. 2:07 is a long continuous shot showing the nurses moving out from the elevator and pushing the patient into the surgery room. This continuous shots gives the sense of time moving slowly and that adds to the nervousness or fearful theme of this surgery. In this shot the nurse is still holding the patients hand and this is noticeable as it is framed up well and is in the center of the shot. At 2:33 there is a close up of the nurse holding the patients hand and this reiterates the point of the nurses being there for this patient. For the preparation of the surgery there are a lot of slow moving shots and close ups that really drag the time out and build up the sadness in this scene. To transition into the nurses actually operating on the patient there is a tracking shot that slowly gets closer to a window. This shows that time has passed and that the nurses are now operating on the patient. 

Audio, Editing & Mise en scene: The audio in this segment is very standard audio with lots of footsteps, doors opening and background talking. There isn't that much dialogue in this segment mainly because the camera and mise en scene tells the story well and therefore there is no need fro dialogue. The music that starts at 0:53 is very slow and doesn't build very much. The sad talk about sadness and this really helps in selling the fact that this patient is very sad and the nurses are just wanting to help her. The music dies down whenever a character needs to speak and then builds right back up when there is no dialogue. Something that i picked up on was that the music tends to be in time with what the camera does and also how it has been edited. The shot will change in time with what the song is doing. This really does help in trying to portray a sad story here. The editing in this scene is very standard mainly because the entire set is made for this one show. There would be no need for any visual effects artists to changes props or the layout of this scene because everything is all in order. Their are basic cuts, fades in video and audio and even possibly some scaling. However their are some uses of slow motion in this segment when the nurses are taking the patient down the hallway towards the elevator. This effect is placed at random through the entire scene which helps create a bit of variety within the editing.  The mise en scene within this segment shows a hospital with many different props to set the scene. These include nurse uniform, posters, nursing equipment, hospital beds, surgery equipment and other standard hospital items. The different nurse uniforms show the status and class of some of the different characters and this helps in building a sense of variety within the scene. The elevator which moves this patient around the hospital is much bigger to fit in the hospital bed. This is exactly how other hospitals work and the used of showing this in the scene helps the audience in understanding where they are. There are various hospital items that have been place in the regular locations in order to create a hospital scene. 

7 core representation areas:
In this segment when the audience is shown the patient the camera always seems to be facing downwards, looking down on her. However whenever the audience is shown the nurses the camera is always placed facing upwards, looking up towards the nurses. This shows us that the camera movement/placement is representing what is happening in the characters life, for the patient her life is in a rough time, therefore the camera is placed downwards. For the nurses they are completely fine and healthy so the camera is facing upwards, because that is how their life is looking. The gender in this segment is very separated due to one of the nurses wanting to give the patient as much support as possible and that might be easier due to having all of the same gender around the patient. The men are not allowed to be in the same room as this patient and this is shown at 0:10. The age in this segment is very different. There are lots of older people and lots of younger people. But one thing that is obvious is that the older nurses are more experience and therefore they are the ones doing the most around the hospital and in the surgery at 2:55. There is a lot of ethnicity in this segment, especially in the scene where all the nurses line up to show support to the patient at 0:40. There does not seem to be any different sexuality in this segment. Class and status is a big one for this segment due to how the older more experienced nurses have a better class than the younger ones. The younger nurses simply fall in line whenever an older nurse tells them to do something. This shows the difference between the two classes of nurse and how each of them behave. Physical ability is shown strongly here due to the patient not being in right health and needing medical attention. The nurses on the other hand are completely healthy and therefore do not require medical attention. The regional identity in this is shown a lot in the lining up scene where we see all the different nurses. In this scene there is a lot of different races and cultures all lined up. This can symbolize that the patient is getting support from all over the world. The other point for regional identity is that the patient herself in from a certain region of the world and the head nurse during the surgery comments on how "people like this." This could suggest that the patient is from a certain group or category. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Addison

    Rough draft

    Here are my comments on how to get this up to scratch. Thanks for attempting to get this in early so we can help you work on some parts that need attention.

    1. Did you read through that handout I gave you? I asked you to use that specifically, highlight it, make notes on it and use it to deepen your understanding of how TV segments like this, represent different areas of society. You speak briefly about gender roles in the intro but don't really go into any depth about how genders are portrayed.

    Questions to help you
    - what sectors of society are represented here? (disability - the lady in the hospital bed? Class and status - doctors/ surgeons and nurses? Gender - nearly ALL women staff and no men really represented??)
    - how do the FOUR technical elements portray these sectors of society? What are we being told about them? What messages are we being given about them?

    Overall you are giving me a lot of lists of observations. This will only get you a few marks for terminology. The bulk of this essay needs to focus on these observations and HOW THEY LINK TO THE ACTUAL QUESTION which is how they create meaning and especially in relation to the 7 core representation areas.

    Basically for the 1st and second paragraph are not relevant to the question and describing what is happening in the storyline won't get you any marks.

    Editing - this needs attention. Go back to your notes on editing (things like transitions, when they add things like slow motion,whether the takes are long takes are short takes... all the editing techniques that can be used to create meaning) and comment on this.

    Sound - this also needs a bit more attention. What sort of music is being used? How does sound work together with what's on screen? What messages are we being given with how the sound matches up with what's happening on screen.

    Mise-en-scene - there is a lot to comment on here. What have they chosen to place on screen at any given time? Setting is hugely important, the casting of the characters (they have the united nations basically for that line-up of nurses in the beginning), the uniforms they're wearing and how they're symbolic of who they are, the way what's on screen speaks to us about relationships between humans at crucial points in our lives. Lots to say here. Dig a bit deeper.

    Let me know later if you need anymore help but definitely start with reading that handout! I need to see you've at least researched this a bit.


Final Edit Link: