Monday, 27 May 2019

Audience Research Homework

Target Audience:

 - Is a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed. The target audience is the group of people that a film production company wants to distribute to. An example of this would be a faith based film such as: "Broken" 

Niche Audience:

 - niche audience is a subgroup of a company's main targeted audience. This specific audience is a selective group of people who have specific wants, needs and interests. Small but mighty, niche audiences hold great value for brands and their success. The niche audience is a specific group of people that a film production company is trying to distribute to. They have more specific needs and wants in order for them to be satisfied. An example of this would be a nature documentary such as:
"Plant Earth" 

Mass Audience:

 - Is an audience that a production company is trying to target but on a large scale. Normally when a film is targeting a mass audience they are trying to reach as many people as possible. Family films often do well with mass audience because the entire family can go and watch it, and therefore purchase more tickets. An example of this would be a action film such as "Avengers End Game" 


The depression era individuals tent to be patriotic, oriented toward work before pleasure, respect for authority, have a sense of moral obligation. The Baby boomers had a good economic opportunities and were largely optimistic about the potential for America and their own lives, the Vietnam War Not withstanding. Generation Xers are arguably the best educated generation with 29% obtaining a bachelor's degree or higher (6% higher than the previous cohort), And, with that education and a growing maturity they are starting to form families with a higher level of caution and pragmatism than their parents demonstrated. Generation Y people may be known as echo boomers because they are the children of baby boomers, or someone who was born during the period of increased birth rates that occurred between 1946 and 1964. Gen Z is the newest generation and were born between 1995 and 2015. They are currently between 4-24 years old.

3. I think that the different generations have different situations while growing up and therefore they consume media in a different way. The depression era generation would have very little media due to the world wars and therefore not having access to a lot of information. The post war cohort generation would have more media to choose from due to the world wars ending and new information emerging. The baby boomers were the first generation to really experience the full force of the media. With new technologies coming out every year, there were so many outlets for youth to enjoy. The boomers 2 experienced even more that the 1st boomers due to also the increase in technology and the fact that media was becoming more acceptable to the population. The generation X has had a giant increase in the amount of media they consumed, This is due to an increase in the outlets of media and they many ways media can be given out to this generation, e.g MTV, Movies, Magazines. The generation Y are the first generation to experience what it is liek to have the internet with them. The internet has helped this generation in so many ways. Due to the invention of the internet more pathways have opened up for media to be distributed. Not much information has been given out about the generation Z due to this generation being the present one. 

4. I think that with all the different media outputs we have in this world, there are so many ways to promote a film. With the help of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more there are so many ways to get your film out and into the world. For the films that my class are making our target audience would have to include our age and on wards (16+) The way we reach this target audience is in many different ways. There are the platforms I mentioned previously but there is also another option. If one of our films did very well on YouTube or any social media platform, we could consider submitting it to a film festival. This would put our film on a bigger screen with a larger audience. It could also catch the attention of a larger film company and therefore give us a way in to the bigger leagues. However before all of that, I think the best way to easily reach a larger audience with less money, planning and effort would be to post it on all social media platforms and especially on YouTube.      

1 comment:

  1. Hi Addison

    Overall Score: 11/20


    You have done well to answer all the questions in some way. I can see that you understand who the different generations are and this will be handy as we continue to look at and study the role the audience has in the film industry.

    I would love to have seen a more in-depth look at how each generation consumed media. Your answer was very vague, saying things like, "there wasn't a lot of media or there was a lot of media..." This is a very generalised statement. It is good to be able to demonstrate that you understand what media was available, how have the ways that people consumed film media txts in particular, changed over the years?

    Once upon a time people went to the movies with limited choice of what to see. This expanded to more choice and more widely accessible films. When did TV become a household phenomenon? A few generations back the whole family would have gathered around an evening show or a radio broadcast, today how is that different? Saying that your generation is 'new' and therefor you have no comment on it is copping out. You can comment on your generation. How do you consume media? What sort of platforms/ devices are their now that your parents / grandparents didn't have?

    I like that you have thought about how you would distribute your film. What you said had merit but even this 'plan' for if this txt was a real life media txt could have been a lot more in-depth.

    Satisfactory attempt all round but need you to really stretch yourself in what you're producing to be able to award higher grades.


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